Tuesday, April 15, 2014

S'more Rice Krispie Treats

I Know, right?!!

One of the most viewed recipes on this blog is for the Butterfinger Rice Krispie Treats, if you liked those you will LOVE these. I actually like these a little bit more because they aren't so chocolatey-rich.

I don't know about your family, but mine is getting camping hungry!! We have had a good stretch of GORGEOUS weather, and it is making it hard to not dream of those summer nights camping in the mountains, or even your own back yard! My daughter asked me last night if we could make s'mores. Of course, I had to try something, they sounded so good, thus this delicious treat came about.

The best part about this recipe is how EASY it was to create and make! My kids did most of the work, I just did the part over the stove. It's amazing how much kids like to cook and help in the kitchen when you let them do so. Don't get me wrong, it is NOT easy to let them help!!! Everything takes longer and becomes a much larger mess, but it is so important to let them help when they can. We've found in our family, when we let the kids help with the little things, they are much more likely to help with the bigger things when they are asked.

Take my word for it, make these for your next family treat, I promise you'll love them!!!!

S'more Rice Krispie Treats:
3 T. butter
1-10.5 oz. package of mini marshmallows
4 c. Rice Krispies cereal
2 c. honey graham crackers, crushed
1 c. semisweet chocolate chips, divided
Line a 9x13" pan with cooking spray. Melt the butter in a large sauce pan. Add the marshmallows, and stir continuously until the marshmallows and melted and smooth. Remove from heat. Add in the cereal and graham crackers and stir until coated. Add a 1/2 c. chocolate chips and stir into the treats. Drop the mixture into your 9x13" pan, and spread and pat it down evenly. Finish it off with a light sprinkle of the remaining chocolate chips on top. Let cool completely before serving.

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