Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Homemade Mac and Cheese

We have those nights where it is just easier to make something you know the kids are going to eat and love. This is one of those recipes the kids can even help a little with.

I like to include my kids while I cook. Everything takes 3-4 times longer than if I were to just do it myself, but they are learning such important skills. This isn't to say I don't get COMPLETELY frustrated while helping them learn, but at least they are trying and I am able to practice my patience with my kids.

This one NEVER fails. It is so easy, creamy and delicious. We usually serve this as a side-dish to BBQ foods, or baked chicken, but eating it as your main dish would also be good for one of those needed comfort-food-nights.

Homemade Macaroni and Cheese:

2 c. elbow or seashell macaroni   dash salt
¼ c. butter                                2 c. milk
¼ c. flour                                  2 c. (8 oz.) Velveeta, cubed
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Boil water in large pot. Cook macaroni 7-9 minutes. Drain. In same pot, now empty, melt butter with flour and a dash of salt over medium-high heat. Stir with whisk until it forms a ball. SLOWLY add milk, stirring constantly while it thickens. Stir in Velveeta, careful not to let the mixture boil, until the Velveeta is completely melted. Pour macaroni back into pot and mix together. Spray 
9 x 13 inch casserole dish with Pam. Pour macaroni into casserole dish and bake for 25-30 minutes. Serve.

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