Monday, July 8, 2013

Nebraska Fried Rice

My husband grew up in Nebraska, and served a mission for our church in Hong Kong. Hence the merging of Ham Fried Rice with corn. Our kids won't eat Ham Fried Rice at any Chinese restaurants because none of the restaurants we go to add corn to their rice. Honestly though, who does? Our family loves it this way, and really I have become converted. Of course, you are more than welcome to switch out the corn for a vegetable medley, also found in the frozen food section of your grocery store!

Ham (Nebraska) Fried Rice:
2 c. rice                                                                        3 eggs, scrambled
2 c. water                                                                   2 c. frozen corn
9 oz. Ham, diced                                                   soy sauce
1 T. butter
Cook rice in a saucepan, or rice cooker for 20 minutes, or until light and fluffy. Meanwhile, dice ham and saute in a wok with the butter. Add frozen corn, and saute until corn is cooked and warm. Add in eggs and scramble the entire mixture, or it is easier to scramble the eggs in a separate skillet and add at this point. Add cooked rice into the wok, followed immediately by enough soy sauce to coat the rice, about ½-1 cup. Remember, you can always add more soy sauce, but you can't take it out. Once soy sauce is mixed in, cover the mixture and let “fry” for 2-3 minutes. Stir the rice again and serve.

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