Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Let me start off by saying I have never made crepes before last night. Let me now follow that statement with...I will now be making crepes A LOT!! They are SO EASY and my whole family ate them, including my mom who was visiting us for dinner last night. :)

It was so fun to make these in my own kitchen and think back to the many days and nights I was able to spend in Europe. I was able to travel there multiple times in my young life, before settling down, getting married and having a family, and it was fun to think back to more care-free days. 

There are so many benefits to crepes you can put whatever you want inside and on top, obviously this picture shows us having ham and cheese crepes for our dinner, but what about fruit or pudding or nutella, the possibilities are as far as the imagination can reach. Another really great thing about these crepes is how fast they are from first mixing them in the blender to on the table ready to eat. It was my first time, but it only took me 15 minutes to have dinner ready start to finish! Talk about win-win situation! Something else that is nice, you already have all the ingredients on hand in your pantry and fridge. If you don't we may need to talk about the essentials to have in your kitchen. ;)

Thank goodness for, I was able to find this beyond simple recipe to make a quick, healthy and easy dinner for my family without heating up my kitchen on a hot summer day.

Crepes: makes approximately 7-8 crepes
2 eggs
1 c. milk
2/3 c. all-purpose flour
1 pinch salt
1 1/2 tsp. vegetable oil
In a blender combine all the ingredients. Process until smooth. Cover and refrigerate for an hour. (I didn't refrigerate it, I continued on to the next step, and it seemed to be just fine.)
Heat a skillet over medium heat and brush with a little oil or spray with a little cooking spray. Pour 1/4 cup of the crepe batter into the pan, tilting to completely coat the surface of the pan. Cook 2-5 minutes, turning once, until golden. Repeat with remaining batter.

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